Monday, June 26, 2006

First day of classes

Don`t look for an exciting story on this post. Today we just had our first English classes, and three kids showed up. Yep, so we drew some pictures and translated some words. Their homework is to bring back 4 to 5 of their friends. Very crucial homework.

I`m not a big fan of teaching English because we`re not certified to do so and it`s not very sustainable. But it`s what the people want, and maybe this way they`ll come to some of our tech classes.

I hope our oral history classes and meeting with the Casa de Cultura comite go a little better! I`m optimistic.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Apoorva,
I enjoy reading about your adventures to date in Oaxaca. Sounds like you have integrated well into you new family and community. Your mom sounds great.

The challenges you discuss are common ones. Turning any situation into a success is all about the right attitude, adaptability, and the relationships forged with community members. So keep up the good work. And, you just can't beat being in Oaxaca for the summer!!

I'm looking forward to working with you again this coming year. Your Oaxaca experience and new perspectives will be an asset during training.

Hasta pronto,
Hechele ganas,