Thursday, June 29, 2006

Challenges and progress...

There has been a lot that has happened since my last post. Times have been tough and hectic, but rewarding. Working with the Municipality of Santiago Suchilquitongo is absolutely ridiculous and we still haven`t met the town president. Pretty much everything in this town moves very slowly, and although that`s perfectly normal and expected, it`s hell when you have a four-page AMIGOS Foundation Grant application due in three days.

Because of our time constraints, the teacher`s strike which means we can`t use the school computer labs, and previous attendance troubles for our classes (7 kids showed up to class this morning and yesterday - that is encouraging), we have all been pretty stressed.

However, our supervisor Ross (of Paraburger in Cheesedise fame) came yesterday, and talking to him helped us out a lot. We needed someone with an outside perspective to talk (and vent) to and get advice from. And today, we finally finished the whole grant application and are pretty much ready to turn it in. We`ll find out if we get it in the next two weeks.

All of these things happening all at once is challenging personally, for our partnership, and certainly for community members not used to dealing with three crazies like us. Getting the grant would certainly be the best reward, but in either way, we`ve learned a lot.

I can`t wait to watch some football and relax this weekend!


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